Most papers and powerpoint notes below are copyrighted by their authors or publishers. Please respect that copyright by using the papers only for purposes of assigned reading in this class.
Date | Topic | Notes and Readings |
8/22 | Introduction and probability theory background | Notes (PPT and PDF) |
8/29 | Bayesian filtering | Notes (PPT and PDF) |
9/5 | No class | Labor Day holiday |
9/12 | Sensor models and perception | Notes (PDF) |
The last day to add/drop for CS 547 is Sept 13
9/19 | PR2 and ROS tutorial | Notes and pointers |
9/26 | Quiz 1 | (Gaurav and Megha at IROS) |
10/3 | Action models | Notes (PDF) |
10/10 | Bayesian filtering revisited: the Kalman filter and Particle filtering | Notes (PDF) |
10/17 | The Markov decision process | Notes (PDF) |
10/24 | The partially observable Markov decision process | Notes (PDF) |
10/31 | Interim project updates | Short presentations and demos by students |
11/7 | SLAM and FastSLAM | Notes (PDF) |
11/14 | Quiz 2 | (Gaurav on travel) |
11/21 | Extended office hours | Final project issues with TA and course staff |
11/28 | Final project presentations | Short presentations and demos by students |